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  • 28-Jun-2023 2:31 PM | Anonymous
    As Chair of the SRPC ’s Education Reform Advisory Committee, I would like to provide an update regarding Education Reform.

    In an attempt to understand our member ’s readiness for education reform, the SRPC surveyed members in March of 2023. The results of the survey can be found on our website.  EDUCATION REFORM SURVEY RESULTS

    At Rural & Remote, we led a Family Medicine Education Reform Update session. This two-hour session reviewed the process and timeline of education reform for family medicine training in Canada and the presentation of data from our membership survey. Participants then broke out into small focus groups to discuss how education reform will impact rural or remote communities. We compiled a summary of the data collected during this focus group, highlighting key themes, opinions, and suggestions shared by participants. A summary of the data collected from the focus groups can be found on our website. FAMILY MEDICINE EDUCATION REFORM: A Discursive Analysis From Focus Groups at SRPC Rural and Remote Conference 2023 The SRPC and the Education Reform Advisory Committee will use the information gathered from the focus groups to advocate to the CFPC OTP Taskforce and Education Design teams from postgraduate programs across Canada for rural and remote education reform resources. 

    June 14th – 16th, the CFPC hosted an Education Design Retreat in Mississauga, which Dr. Sarah Lespérance and I attended. Over 150 participants, comprised of educational design teams of Canada ’s 17 departments of family medicine, Education Reform Taskforce members, project staff and consultants, and colleagues from the Team Primary Care initiative, were invited to attend. The objective of the retreat was to start to look at what a renewed three-year curriculum will look like and how educational redesign and curricular change can nurture preparedness and comprehensiveness as the first two key curriculum renewal priorities. Enhanced skills program directors and delegates also met to discuss enhanced skills in education redesign.   Conversations are still in the early stages related to what will happen to Certificates of Added Competence (CAC) when family medicine curriculum changes. 

    During this process, we have communicated with the Rural Program Directors and will continue to engage with them as educational recommendations are developed. Education reform will be different at each of the medical schools and I encourage you to connect with your local program to share your thoughts and concerns and ensure your voice is heard.

    Working with the CFPC is a top priority to ensure the changes don ’t inadvertently negatively impact our rural colleagues, trainees, and especially communities. As an organization whose mandate is to champion rural generalist medical care, we plan to use our expertise to enhance rural medical education, developing more robust, resilient, and broadly-skilled teams of practice for our communities.

    Over the summer, the SRPC Education Reform Advisory Committee will be recruiting for new medical students and residents to join the committee.   Learner feedback on education reform will continue to be explored. 

    Thank you for your continued engagement and commitment.

    Best regards,

    Dr. Kristy Penner
    Chair, SRPC ’s Education Reform Advisory Committee


  • 07-Jun-2023 4:23 PM | Anonymous

    SRPC Medical Student, Sean Bristowe hosted a zoom event on May 18th - Supporting Transgender Medical Trainees in a Rural Context.

    If you missed it or wanted to listen again, here is the link. Supporting Transgender Medical Trainees in a Rural Context - Watch the Session Online Now

    Sean has also provided this list of practical takeaways:

    • If a trainee chooses to disclose to you about their gender identity and/or pronouns, ask them:
          - What would you like me to do if a patient or colleague or allied health care professional misgenders you?
          - Would you like me to brief staff at the hospital/clinic?
          - Do you need support accessing any facilities, for example like bathrooms and changerooms?
          - Is there anything that I can do to make you feel supported during your rotation/block/shift?
          - Do you have any safety concerns and if yes, how can I support you with these?

    • If you hear from a trainee that they've had a challenging clinical interaction or professional interaction, consider asking them if they would like to debrief

    • Offer compassion to trainees after challenging/transphobic interactions

    • Survey your town/village/county for resources that you can pass on to trainees if they ask
           - trans-affirming spaces or pride events
           - mentors, community leaders, other professionals who identify as queer and/or trans

    • DO NOT out a trans trainee or have side conversations about the trainee with other staff

    • Consider accessing training/supports to improve your gender diversity expertise

    • Normalize pronouns by introducing yourself with your pronouns and asking all students what pronouns they use

    • Have signage around clinical spaces that indicates you are queer and/or trans supportive
           - e.g. transgender or pride flags, lanyards, pins, etc...

    • Talk to your colleagues and staff about trans issues! Start the change in your communities
  • 19-May-2023 12:02 PM | Anonymous

    Join us in honoring #WorldFamilyDoctorDay by recognizing exceptional efforts of all of our rural and remote family doctors like SRPC Member Dr. Onuora Odoh of Houston, BC.

    Dr. Odoh is well known for his community health advocacy efforts and is a columnist on health topics for the local newspaper, Houston Today. He anchored the establishment of Narcotics Anonymous in Houston, leading the community to fight against drug addiction and related deaths. He attended both Narcotics and Alcohol Anonymous to provide support to participants. In partnership with Metabolic Syndrome Canada, he led the development of the Houston CHANGE BC program, an excellent, innovative primary care lifestyle support program for metabolic syndrome patients. CHANGE BC program won several awards, including from the BC College of Physicians, the Rural Coordinating Committee of BC, and the Canadian College of Family Physicians.

    Recognizing the impact of poverty and the high burden of dental disease in rural children, Dr. Odoh developed a collaborative partnership with the UBC’s Faculty of Dentistry and Houston public elementary school to provide school-based oral health education to rural school children. Dr. Odoh led the Houston Walk and Group Exercise Program; and hosted Doctors of BC’s “Walk With Your Doc” program in Houston to encourage and promote physical activity. He regularly volunteers at the Houston Soup Kitchen, serving the most vulnerable individuals at risk of homelessness and food insecurity.

    As part of his effort to improve rural health, he led the development of a rural pulmonary rehabilitation model to optimize the care of COPD patients in rural communities. At an international level, Dr. Odoh leads a UBC-affiliated global health project on malaria control program and a health charity Foundation that provides free and accessible rural primary health care services and school health programs in Africa. 

    Dr. Odoh has won several awards for his outstanding innovative work in medical practice. He is an active and dedicated vice chair of the Pacific Northwest Division of Family Practice, a role he embraced as an opportunity to advocate for advancing primary care in British Columbia and beyond.

    Dr. Odoh's efforts are emblematic of the exceptional work done by family rural physicians everywhere, and we congratulate them on their far-reaching impact and contributions to their communities.

  • 09-May-2023 10:17 AM | Anonymous

    Dr. Sarah Lespérance, Senator Mohamed-Iqbal Ravalia, Dr. Ruth Wilson and Dr. Trina Larsen Soles

    On May 4, 2023, the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada (SRPC) hosted a National Summit on Equitable Access to Medical Transport in Rural Canada at the Wabano Center for Aboriginal Health in Ottawa, Ontario. It was an invitational meeting which gathered individuals from various jurisdictions involved in patient transfer, including those directly responsible for developing policy. Those in attendance included Indigenous organizations, rural patients with lived experience, transport providers, administrative and policy decision-makers, rural healthcare providers, and other key stakeholders.

    In 2021 the SRPC, in collaboration with the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC), released a Call-to-Action Statement on Rural Patient Transfers. Following the statement’s release, the SPRC’s goal has been to develop a strategic action plan with priority recommendations and concrete deliverables. This plan will help identify partners for action, confirm commitment for implementation, and identify roles for those directly involved in policy development and delivery of transport care.

    The Summit gathered key partners to identify strategies for the delivery of rural transport care to ensure equitable access and high-quality healthcare for Canadians living in rural and remote areas. Participants shared innovative practices from across Canada and discussed specific action items that will further inform the SRPC’s work in developing a national patient transport action plan.

    Common themes emerging at the Summit included the value of strategic partnerships and relationships to co-create solutions and the need to reduce or remove jurisdictional barriers.

    “A national transport strategy and standards, when paired with national licensure, are essential to improve the quality of healthcare services and health equity for rural and Indigenous communities,” stated Dr. Sarah Lespérance, President of the SRPC. “From the energy, passion, humility and innovation shown by all our partners attending the summit, it is clear that the time is now to move forward with this important work.”

    Developing strategies for more effective patient transfers requires cooperation and collaboration at a pan-Canadian level. The SRPC is committed to working with our partners to develop a clearly defined action plan that will support the implementation of the Call-to-Action Statement.

    The SRPC would like to acknowledge and thank our partner organizations offering support for the Summit, including:  Rural Coordination Centre of BC, HealthCare Excellence Canada, Ornge, Health Standards Organization, and Canadian Institute for Health Information. The presence of patient partners to bring the voices of those with lived experiences with rural transport care was graciously facilitated by the Canadian Medical Association and HealthCare Excellence Canada.

    About the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada

    The Society of Rural Physicians of Canada (SRPC) is the national voice of Canadian rural physicians. Founded in 1992, the SRPC’s vision is excellent health care close to home for all rural Canadians with a mission of championing rural generalist medical care through education, collaboration, advocacy and research.

    On behalf of its members and the Canadian public, SRPC performs a wide variety of functions, such as developing and advocating health delivery mechanisms, supporting rural doctors and communities, promoting and delivering continuing rural medical education, encouraging and facilitating research into rural health issues, and fostering communication among rural physicians and other groups with an interest in rural health care.

    The SRPC is a voluntary professional organization with over 2500 members representing rural physicians spanning the country.



    Society of Rural Physicians of Canada


  • 08-May-2023 1:01 PM | Anonymous
    Please distribute to your networks / Veuillez distribuer cette information à vos réseaux

    SRPC was delighted to launch the National Advanced Skills and Training Program in Rural Practice at our conference in Niagara Falls at the end of April. Watch the video We welcome rural physicians who are interested in advanced skills training e.g., obstetrics, emergency medicine or anesthesia, to submit an application. The program is first-come, first-served, but applications must be submitted by November 30, 2023 and training must be completed by January 31, 2024 because the project ends on March 31, 2024. 

    The program will fund training opportunities to upskill practicing rural physicians, including specialists, nationwide, enabling them to meet specific community needs and reducing the need for patient transport out of communities to receive these services. The goal is for trainees to develop an ongoing relationship with a local preceptor. The maximum funding available to each physician is $35,000.

    Eligibility criteria include:

    • Rural physicians must have an active license to practice in Canada.
    • Physicians must be SRPC members.
    • Physicians must have practiced in a rural community for a minimum of six months in the past year.
    • Physicians may be practicing in more than one rural community.
    • Physicians will have a demonstrated commitment to rural practice and will be expected to provide services in a rural area after training. Physicians must indicate their intention to return to a rural community for at least six months. 
    • Residents are not eligible for funding.

    If you meet the eligibility criteria, you can register here:

    Backgrounder for more information. If you have any questions, please contact  

    La SMRC a eu le plaisir de lancer le Programme national de formation et compétences avancées pour la pratique rurale lors de sa conférence à Niagara Falls à la fin du mois d'avril. Regardez la vidéo Nous invitons les médecins ruraux intéressés par une formation en compétences avancées, par exemple en obstétrique, en médecine d'urgence ou en anesthésie, à soumettre leur candidature. Les demandes doivent être soumises avant le 30 novembre 2023 et la formation doit être terminée avant le 31 janvier 2024, car le projet se termine le 31 mars 2024.

    Le programme financera des possibilités de formation pour améliorer les compétences des médecins ruraux en exercice, y compris des spécialistes, dans tout le pays, afin de leur permettre de répondre aux besoins spécifiques des communautés et de réduire la nécessité de transporter les patients en dehors des communautés pour recevoir ces services. L'objectif est que les participants développent une relation continue avec un précepteur local. Le financement maximum disponible pour chaque médecin est de 35 000 $.

    Les critères d’admissibilité incluent ce qui suit :

    • Les médecins ruraux doivent être titulaires d'une licence active leur permettant d'exercer au Canada.
    • Les médecins doivent être membres de la SMRC.
    • Les médecins doivent avoir exercé dans une communauté rurale pendant au moins six mois au cours de l'année écoulée.
    • Les médecins peuvent exercer dans plus d'une communauté rurale.
    • Les médecins doivent avoir démontré leur engagement à l'égard de la pratique rurale et doivent fournir des services dans une zone rurale à l'issue de leur formation. Les médecins doivent indiquer leur intention de retourner dans une communauté rurale pendant au moins six mois.
    • Les résidents ne sont pas admissibles au financement.

    Si vous répondez aux critères d’admissibilité, vous pouvez vous inscrire par le biais de ce site Web:

    Document d'information. Si vous avez des questions, veuillez contacter

  • 24-Mar-2023 4:09 PM | Anonymous

    As rural physicians, we pride ourselves on being generalists, with flexibility, a broad knowledge base, and a willingness to learn new skills to serve our patients. Our training prepares us well for this, and we find great satisfaction in the variety and challenge of our work. However, sometimes, we notice a pattern evolving, where the same issue requiring patient transfer seems to present itself, new diseases occur with increased frequency, or the departure of a valued colleague means a sudden need for enhanced skills within our community.

    Depending on where in this country a physician works, access to advanced skills training can be difficult to obtain once residency is complete. There are also the challenges of securing locum support, and the financial strain of leaving one's practice to complete training, while overhead and costs of living remain.

    For these reasons, the SRPC is thrilled to announce the launch of a National Advanced Skills and Training Program for Rural Practice. In partnership with the Foundation for Advancing Family Medicine (FAFM), we are collaborating with multiple partner organisations to broaden the capacity of inter-professional comprehensive primary care in Canada, with an overall goal of addressing critical labour shortages and enhancing labour mobility and utilisation.

    The SRPC's key role is to administer a program that offers support for physicians to access a variety of existing training opportunities to increase their generalist skill set, to fill gaps identified by individual physicians and communities. This project has been modelled after the Rural Coordination Centre of British Columbia's Advanced Skills and Training Program. The FAFM has granted the SRPC funding that will allow us to offer numerous rural family physicians funding for training, income replacement and locum support, to meet an identified clinical need in the practice communities they serve. We feel this program will result in an increased ability to attract, develop and retain physicians in rural and indigenous communities. In addition, we hope that the relationships forged through training will enhance networks of care and offer valuable mentorship opportunities to participants. A robust evaluation and review process is planned, with the goal of securing funding on an ongoing basis.

    While the SRPC is excited to offer this new opportunity to our members, we hope that this is only the beginning of enhanced training, mentorship and educational opportunities we offer to rural and remote healthcare providers across the country.

    Lesperance S. President's Message – A national advanced skills and training program for rural practice. Can J Rural Med 2023;28:45

    Lesperance S. President's Message – A national advanced skills and training program for rural practice. Can J Rural Med [serial online] 2023 [cited 2023 May 3];28:45. Available from:

  • 21-Mar-2023 4:32 PM | Anonymous

    The Society of Rural Physicians of Canada is seeking motivated and passionate physicians to join Council. Members interested in the following positions should send their EOI and cv by Friday, March 31st, 2023.


    • Treasurer

    SRPC Executive positions are a 2-year term, eligible for renewal once.


    • Nova Scotia
    • Nunavut
    • Prince Edward Island
    • Quebec


    • Anesthesia
    • Indigenous Health
    • Rural and Remote (2)

    Provincial/Territorial and Standing Committee Representatives have a term of 3 years, eligible for renewal once. 

    The primary role of these representatives is to act as a liaison between SRPC members and SRPC Council. Representatives will be the primary contact person to connect with regarding current issues.

    Rural and Remote Co-Chair: R&R 2024 will take place April 18-20, 2024, in Edmonton, and R&R 2025 with be in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in April (Date TBC). Preference would be to have 2 Physician members from AB, MB or SK.

    Please submit an expression of interest (EOI) in Microsoft Word (max 250 words) to SRPC head office, signed by one SRPC member in good standing. Please include your curriculum vitae. The eligible candidate must be an active physician member of the SRPC. Previous Committee and / or Council experience should be listed and is desirable.

    For further information on the roles and responsibilities of these positions, please contact Jenna Keindel.

    EOI and CVs must be received no later than Friday, March 31st, 2023.

    The Nominations & Awards Committee will review the submissions and choose an appropriate candidate.

  • 28-Feb-2023 10:22 AM | Anonymous

    The NWT Medical Association invites you to attend the second Evidence-Based Medicine Conference PEER North in Yellowknife NWT, September 21-23rd. 

    The mission of PEER North is to provide a culturally relevant Northern educational forum for the purpose of connecting and strengthening relationships amongst Northern healthcare providers around current, evidence-based, primary care topics of interest.  Comments from last year indicate that this event is so much more than your typical CME. 

    We hope you can make it and please sign up on our website to stay informed.

  • 27-Feb-2023 2:59 PM | Anonymous

    This rural-specific resource list was compiled and edited by the SRPC Resident Committee’s Resident Resources and Advocacy team with contributions from residents and physicians across the country. It includes apps, websites, podcasts, conferences, books, and other learning materials that rural physicians find helpful in their practice, with the goal of sharing resources across our vast community. Thank you to everyone who contributed their various resources so we could put this document together for all rural physicians to access. While we will strive to keep the links and related information current, we are not responsible for the content listed on this document.

    While we strive to keep the links current, we are not responsible for the content or changes on each site. " instead then  -  "If you notice any links are out of date, or you have additional resources that you feel should be added to the list, please let us know at

    SRPC Resident Resources and Advocacy Team

    Rural Specific Resource List
  • 08-Feb-2023 10:41 AM | Anonymous

    The SRPC is now accepting applications for the Rural and Remote Medicine Conference Co-Presenter Program. This year, the conference is being held in Niagara Falls from April 20-22nd. The deadline to apply is February 20th.

    With the co-presenter program, students and residents are matched with a workshop presenter to help present on a specific topic. Possible roles may include introducing the topic, assisting with developing the presentation, presenting portions of the talk, and facilitating group discussions. Student co-presenters will receive their choice of either a $200 honorarium, 1 free day at the conference, or 1 night's stay at a hotel.

    Please complete the google form if you are interested in applying for the co-presenter program. We ask that you submit a separate form for each presentation you are interested in co-presenting.