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Practice-Based Learning Programs (PBLP)

  • 01-Jul-2023
  • 01-Dec-2023
  • Online self-directed All Year

The Foundation for Medical Practice Education is a not-for-profit organization based out of McMaster University that provides continuing medical education for family physicians by family physicians to enhance the implementation of knowledge into clinical practice.

We serve over 6,000 family physicians across Canada in our Individual and Small Group Practice-Based Learning Programs. Both programs are longitudinal programs where family physicians review evidence-based modules and reflect on their knowledge gaps to create real practice change. Our modules contain Canadian content, and we are dedicated to always ensuring the perspective of rural physicians is incorporated and the resources and information are relevant to rural physicians. There is no particular date for this event, but rather enrolment is ongoing. Physicians can study individually, or in small groups, and small groups can meet in person or online. You can read more about our programs at 

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