Add On course to The 27th Annual Rural and Remote Medicine Course
The ECCU 1 Course Emergency & Critical Care Ultrasound
This is an introductory level course specifically tailored for rural physicians. In addition to the Core IP applications, we have included a section on other applications applicable to Rural PoCUS.
Course Information
This course has been designed for all doctors in acute care e.g Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Hospitalist, Internal Medicine, Critical Care, Surgery. It provides the core knowledge for the CPoCUS Core IP and is applicable to other 'Acute Care' specialties. Applicability to rural practice is considered for application.
Applications covered include: Physics, Instrumentation, Aorta, Trauma (FAST), Vascular Access, Shock, Cardiac (ELS), Obstetric, Rural PoCUS
Halifax, Nova Scotia
(WTCC-Rooms TBD)
Sunday, April 7th, 2019
Registration: $1350 (Residents/Students: $1050)
For more information:
To register email:
Click below to Apply by email